We give
to ideas

Italian craftsmen of tailor-made steel.

Resistant and versatile,
like steel

Planning and

Project engineering
and logistics


Lav-in is an Italian company specialised in processing steel and iron, and producing household appliances.

Since 2002, we have grown by updating our services, processes and divisions in order to meet the trends of a continuously developing sector, applying the same professionalism and expertise that makes us stand out.

We are acknowledged in the market for our ability to manage projects, throughout all the processing phases. We fully engage in the projects we collaborate on, working closely with our main customers to meet their needs: companies in the mechanical engineering industry, retailers and distributors of household appliances, architects and interior designers.


Tailor-made solutions
for all needs


Nautical and Civil Bathrooms

Customised modular bathrooms.

Nautical and Civil Bathrooms

Professional Blast Chillers

For restaurants and the patisserie and catering sectors.

Professional Blast Chillers
What we do
What we offer

Why you should choose Lav-in

Quality standards
Tailor-made solutions
Guaranteed delivery times

Supporting you throughout all the phases of the project.

Thanks to our long-standing experience, we are able to oversee the entire production process: from the planning phase to assembling the finished products.

Contact us
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or a customised quote
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